Astronomy After Hours: Rings of Saturn
At the Museum | Gladwin Planetarium
Members, come join us for exclusive access to the Gladwin Planetarium. Each month, our Astronomy Programs presenters will guide you through a special topic presentation with a different focus prepared just for you! Journey through the cosmos with stunning visuals and the latest news in astronomy. Follow along with the series to explore the vast possibilities of space. Recommended for ages five and up.
May 16: Remarkable Rings of Saturn
Join us for an awe-inspiring celebration of one of the solar system's most iconic features! Explore the breathtaking beauty of Saturn's rings and uncover their secrets. Discover what these shimmering bands are made of and learn how they compare to the faint rings of other gas giants like Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. Dive into the science behind Saturn's uniquely prominent rings and ponder the intriguing question: are they vanishing over time?
Space is infinite but planetarium seats are not—reserve spots while they last. Choose from four 20-minute shows starting at 5:00, 5:30, 6:00, or 6:30 PM. Be prepared for staff to check your membership card and be ready to enter 10 minutes in advance as these shows will begin promptly.
Questions about the show? Contact Ila Jade Komasa at ijadekomasa@sbnature2.org or 805-682-4711 ext. 164.
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For questions regarding membership, please contact our membership department at membership@sbnature2.org.
Illustration of Cassini in orbit around Saturn by NASA/JPL-Caltech