Astronomy Programs
Check out the wide array of offerings from our Education Division’s Astronomy Programs.
New Space Sciences Exhibit in the Works
Planning a visit to our Space Sciences exhibit? This area is temporarily closed due to construction. Thank you for your patience while we repair our aging infrastructure. You can help us launch the next generation of space scientists by supporting the exhibit updates.
Meanwhile, astronomy is still going strong at the Museum. Take in daily planetarium shows or join us at the observatory for scheduled solar viewings. Explore our calendar for free Star Parties and astronomy talks every month!
Gladwin Planetarium
Inside our theater, the stars are always out. Our expert presenters are ready to answer your questions during interactive live presentations. Get to know the stars of Santa Barbara, the universe, and the wonders of space. Our Evans & Sutherland Digistar 7 dual-projection system with 4K resolution allows us to provide exciting, immersive educational adventures. Check out our schedule of planetarium shows as you plan your visit.
Palmer Observatory
The round white building near the Museum Backyard is an observatory equipped with an excellent telescope. The Palmer Observatory opens for special events and programming. It’s the centerpiece of all our Star Parties, and an exciting bonus to daytime visits if staff or volunteers are available to offer safe views of the Sun.
Star Parties
On the second Saturday of each month from dusk to 10:00 PM, the Museum hosts a free Star Party organized with the local astronomy club, the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit. Come learn about the night sky with us! Check for Star Party details on our calendar.
Astronomy School Programs
Our school field trip programs at the Museum include a demonstration of the powerful telescopes in our observatory, while meeting Next Generation Science Standards. Check out the menu of field trip programs here.
Is this a meteorite?
We love to share a meteorite guessing game and pass around some meteorites as our astronomy events! Unfortunately, our staff don’t have time to evaluate all the “meteowrongs” that are brought to us. If you think you have a meteorite, you can learn more from meteorite experts. Run your specimen through the flowchart of tests on this page created by meteorite experts to determine if you should contact those experts.
James Webb Space Telescope
Three experts at the Museum explain what you're looking at in the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope.