Counselors in Training
CITs get to experience science and nature with kids through assisting with educational crafts and fun activities in our Nature Adventures camps. The CIT program is a perfect opportunity to increase your skills working with children, earn community hours and explore the Mission Creek Campus and Sea Center.
Applications for summer open April 1.
CIT Program Dates 2025
Summer Break
- Applications due April 20
- CIT Training: June 13
- CITs must work at least two full weeks of camp
- Week 1 & 2: June 16–20, June 23–27 *
- Week 3 & 4: June 30–July 2, July 7–11
- Week 5 & 6: June 14–18, July 21–25
- Week 7 & 8: July 28–August 1, August 4–8
- Week 9: August 11–15 *
- CITs must work at least two full weeks of camp
- End-of-summer CIT Appreciation Day, August 18 (optional)
For more information about the CIT program, contact Teen Programs Manager Haylee Rosso at hrosso@sbnature2.org or 805-682-4711 ext. 170.