Our fungi identifications are courtesy of fungi expert Bob Cummings, who teaches in the Botany Department at Santa Barbara City College in the Biological Sciences. Before you ask, check to see if your fungus has been identified below.
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- Fungi
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- Recently Asked
“Thank you for identifying the last fungus to Phellinus gilvus.
I attached 2 more photos I assumed were Phellinus gilvus, that I took from coast live oak in a park...”
Robert Weiss, Photo taken in santa barbara park - June 5, 2024
“Can someone identify this conk?
All 4 photos are from same conk on valley oak (Quercus lobata) near Pinnacles National Park.”
Robert, California - June 1, 2024
“Just found what I think is fungi growing out of the base of my apartment wall and I'm praying it's not cause for a speedy evacuation. But I'm not even sure it's fungi; hoping an expert can weigh...”
Caitlin, Westside, Santa Barbara - September 21, 2023
“Dear experts,I photographed these amazingly colorful red and yellow things growing in the leaf litter near my home in Solvang. Never seen anything quite like this before. What are they?”
Pat, Solvang, CA - March 16, 2023
Do you know what type of fungus this is? They have a very unique and pretty purple shade, and pop-up around this time of year (presumably due to the weather/rain?). I took this pho...”
Kevin, UCSB - December 29, 2022
“These stinkhorn mushrooms are sprouting up recently after a rain all over our trails in suburban Dallas area. They are beautiful. Extremely fragile. And pollinated by ants, flies and even millip...”
Richard, Dallas area - December 14, 2022
“Please see the attached photo. It's in our garden; probably not for long. Do you know what it is? Thanks! ”
Gari, Montecito - November 17, 2022
“Hello, I wonder if someone at SBMNH can help me identify this mushroom. It's growing on the base of a palm tree here in Santa Barbara. An online forum suggested a speci...”
Daryl, Santa Barbara - September 28, 2022
“Hi, I found this in my yard this morning and thought it was a Clathrus ruber but it has a stalk. Flies are attracted to it but I don't want to smell it.
If you could be so kind t...”
Julie, Glen Carbon, Illinois - October 11, 2021
“Hello! I live in south-eastern North Carolina and I was in my front garden getting leaves out of the mulch when I noticed these weird white balls. Any clue what they might be? Maybe an early blo...”
Pattie, North Carolina - February 25, 2021