Museum open Wed–Mon, Sea Center open daily; both 10:00 AM–5:00 PM

Recently Asked

Learn what the community is asking about this season, with answers by Museum experts.

“Last week, in Buellton, I saw this caterpillar. I have two questions: Is it a swallowtail caterpillar? Is this the right season for caterpillars? I've seen swallowtail flying around my house (in Los...”
Karin, Buellton, CA - September 5, 2023

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“Hi, I found this rock on the beach in Santa Barbara a few days after Hurricane Hilary. Just wondeting if this in an authentic artifact?  Thanks, Mike”
Mike, Santa Barbara - August 23, 2023

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“Hello, The insect in the attached photos showed up outside the door to my home a few days ago and it is still there.  The wings are 2 inches long and the insect is 3-3/4 inches long from wing tip to...”
Laurie, Santa Barbara - July 8, 2023

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“I found what I think is a horse tooth on Hendry's beach. Is it old?? It's probably hard to tell from the photos. It's about 2 1/2 inches long. I'm guessing it washed down down a creek this past winter...”
Robert, Santa Barbara - June 18, 2023

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“Are you able to tell what type of fossil this is? I found it near Hendrys beach. I saw part of it sticking out then I broke the rock open and found some more inside.”
Natalie, Santa Barbara - May 24, 2023

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“Hello! Can you tell what type of rodent this is? I thought at first Dusky-footed Woodrat, but the ears seem to be too small.  Thank you!”
Kevin, Santa Barbara - May 19, 2023

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“Hello! Can you tell what type of grasshopper this is? I saw it out at UCSB West Campus. Thank you! Kevin”
Kevin, Goleta - May 15, 2023

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“I saw this at base of eroding cliffs at Butterfly Beach in Montecito, just curious if animal or possibly human. Thanks. It was just about 10 inches in length.”
Aaron, Santa Barbara - May 8, 2023

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“Good morning, I found a rock near where I live in Santa Barbara, and I polished it, please help identify what kind of rock it is. Thank you.”
Maria, Santa Barbara - May 2, 2023

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“Hello! Can you tell what type of bumblebee this is? It's the largest yellow one I've ever seen. It dwarfed the honey bees, but is not as large as a carpenter bee. I watched it for about 20 minutes, w...”
Kevin, UCSB - April 18, 2023

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