Museum open Wed–Mon, Sea Center open daily; both 10:00 AM–5:00 PM

Rocks & Fossils

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sea shell fossil

Were building on the Mesa and dug up a sea shell fossil.  I'm wondering if you can tell me more aboiut it. I have attached an image but am happy to bring it over if you would like.

Kind regards,


Lynn, the Mesa in Santa Barbara - August 31, 2020

Curator Response

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for sharing your neat find with us. It’s a scallop, probably a species of Lyropecten. It’s likely from the Pleistocene-Epoch Santa Barbara Formation or marine terrace deposits, but some of the matrix color (the color of the surrounding stone) is suggestive of the Monterey Formation, which is older. I’d have to take a good look at the matrix in person to be sure. If you’re interested, please email me at to arrange a visit to show me this fossil.

Stay curious,

Dibblee Collection Manager of Earth Science Jonathan Hoffman, Ph.D.