Two Years After Fire and Flood: A Community Conversation About the Impacts of the Thomas Fire and January 9 Debris Flow
At Zoom
Two years since the catastrophic incidents in Santa Barbara County, their effects continue to be felt. In addition to the terrible direct impacts of these events on our community, ash from the fire and mud relocated to beaches also affected the health of the Santa Barbara coast and channel.
Join us to hear about the latest ongoing research assessing the extent of these impacts, and what it might tell us about how to improve our response to future disasters. A series of flash talks by experts in the biological and social sciences will be followed by a moderated panel discussion and Q&A with experts and local policymakers.
Free admission, RSVP to reserve your seat.*
– Sarah Anderson Ph.D., UC Santa Barbara, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
– Andy Brooks Ph.D., UC Natural Reserve System
– Tom Fayram, Santa Barbara County Flood Control
– Steven Gaines Ph.D., Dean, UC Santa Barbara, Bren School
– Mauricio Gomez, South Coast Habitat Restoration
– Brandon Steets P.E., Geosyntec Consultants
– Ben Pitterle M.S., Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
– Kim Selkoe Ph.D., National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
– Sigrid Wright M.A., CEO, Community Environmental Council
This event is brought to you in collaboration by:
UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, Community Environmental Council, Santa Barbara Foundation, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, and Santa Barbara Channelkeeper.
Live Spanish translation and ASL interpretation will be available.
To view a live stream of the event, click here.
Generous financial and in-kind support provided by the Museum’s Christel Bejenke Fund, Bank of America, and Strategic Samurai.
Information: Community Education Manager Stefanie Coleman 805-682-4711 ext. 170 or scoleman@sbnature2.org.
* All unclaimed tickets are subject to release 15 minutes before the program.
Image photo credit (right): Ethan Turpin