Science Pub: California’s Grizzlies
At Dargan's Irish Pub & Restaurant, 18 E. Ortega Street
In 1848, California contained an estimated 10,000 grizzly bears: more than any current U.S. state other than Alaska, and a ratio of one grizzly for every 11 people living in California at that time. By 1925, all of California's grizzlies had disappeared—relegated to the status of memories, mascots, and merchandise. Prof. Peter Alagona, Ph.D., will discuss the history and possible reintroduction of grizzlies in California, based on more than seven years of study by UCSB's California Grizzly Research Network.
Join our fun and friendly conversation and quench your thirst for knowledge about science and nature in this ongoing series of free science talks held on the second Monday of every month. No tickets or reservations required, but be sure to get to Dargan’s (18 E. Ortega St. in downtown Santa Barbara) early to secure a seat and order your favorite food and drink.
For more information, contact Jenna Hamilton-Rolle at 805-682-4711 ex. 172 or jrolle@sbnature2.org.