Museum and Sea Center open daily 10:00 AM–5:00 PM

Lunch & Learn Workshop: Don’t Forget Your Pet in Your Will

At Zoom

July 20, 2021 / 12:00 PM–1:00 PM

Have you considered what would happen to your pet in the event of your death or incapacity? By creating provisions in your estate plan, you can rest assured that your pet will be cared for after you are gone. Join our free online workshop to learn how to safeguard your pets.

Attorney Margaret H. Clark—certified specialist in probate, estate planning, and trust law—will describe estate planning documents commonly used to provide for pets, the details of pet trusts (roles of caretaker and trustee, funding, owner incapacity, etc.), sample language to incorporate into your legal documents, and more. The Museum’s Planned Giving Advisory Chair Denise Stevens, M.A., will help answer your questions.

For more information, contact Sarah Clement at 805-682-4711 ext. 110 or

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