Records Searches
What types of records search products are available at the CCoIC?
- A confidential records search is available to individuals who qualify for access to all information at a CHRIS Information Center (Section III, CHRIS Information Center Rules of Operation Manual). To request a confidential records search, see the section below.
- A non-confidential records search is available to individuals who do not qualify for direct access to confidential information. The CCoIC staff conducts the research and the information is presented in one of two formats: checklist or narrative letter. To request a non-confidential records search, please contact the CCoIC at ccic@sbnature2.org or 805-682-4711 ext. 181.
- Records searches that are routinely needed may also be arranged under a memorandum of agreement (MOA) or a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the CCoIC and a local, state, or federal government agency, Native American tribe, or other interested parties and organizations. For more information, please contact the CCoIC Coordinator bbarbier@sbnature2.org.
How to Request a Confidential Records Search
- Complete a new CHRIS Access and Use Agreement, if necessary. Information about qualifying for access can be found here.
- Provide completed Data Request form.
- Provide shapefiles (.shp) or geodatabase for the project area and a PDF map of the project area on a USGS 7.5’ topographic quad base layer.
- Mail or email the request form and maps to the CCoIC at ccic@sbnature2.org and provide a link1 to project shapefiles shared via cloud or FTP.
1: Due to security restrictions, attaching compressed files (.zip) to the email will result in non-delivery.
Delivery Time
- Regular Response delivery time varies. Contact the CCoIC Staff at 805-682-4711 ext. 181 for an approximate timeframe.
- Priority Response delivery time is usually seven to ten calendar days from date of receipt. This timeframe may also vary depending upon the size of your requested search area or the number of Priority Response requests received prior to your submittal.
Applicable Fees
The new CHRIS IC Fee Structure is approved by the State Historic Resources Commission. Note, the current fee structure combines and replaces the previous CHRIS Service Fee Schedule and CHRIS IC Electronic Fee Structure, and removes the PDF flat fee and Emergency Response surcharge.
Frequently Asked Questions
The most common reason why emails might be rejected is due to a zipped folder attachment. For security reasons, our email server automatically rejects emails with .zip attachments. Attaching all the files in the zipped folder individually or uploading the folder to a cloud-shared folder (preferred) or FTP site are some potential solutions. If you are still having issues with emails getting rejected, please call us at 805-682-4711 ext. 181.
Reports and DPRs can be submitted 1) via FTP or via a cloud-shared folder, as an encrypted, password-protected file, or 2) burned to disk and sent by mail. Please note, if uploading via FTP or cloud-shared folders, the documents MUST be encrypted with password protection—for instructions on how to do this, please reach out to the CCoIC by email at ccic@sbnature2.org, or over the phone at 805-682-4711 ext. 181.
Please note: Resource Records and Reports are not accepted in draft form. All DPR forms must be submitted as final, PDF versions to receive a P-Number or Trinomial, and draft reports will not be added to the inventory. Project consultation correspondence or other additional memos are not required with the finalized report, but these can be added as additional citations if the original report is referenced. Please see the document submittal standard here for more information. You can find instructions for filling out historical resource records and resource record form templates here.
Invoices can be paid by check (preferred), credit card, or bank transfer.
If paying by check, please make checks out to the Central Coast Information Center, and send them to the address below:
Central Coast Information Center
2559 Puesta Del Sol
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
If paying by credit card, please call the CCoIC at 805-682-4711 ext. 181, and CCoIC staff will take payment information over the phone. After credit card payments have been processed, a PDF receipt will be sent.
To set up payment via bank transfer, please contact the CCoIC.
Visit the CHRIS Consultants List to find a list of individuals and firms, organized by county, that meet the minimum qualifications of a professional in the disciplines of archaeology, architectural history, architecture, historical architecture, or history, as defined in the Secretary of Interior's Standards (36 CFR 61). This list is self-selected and is not a listing of all individuals who qualify as professionals in these disciplines under the Secretary of Interior's Standards and does not constitute an endorsement of any listed individual or consulting firm by the Office of Historic Preservation or CHRIS Information Centers.