Greg Giloth
Greg was born in Glen Ellyn, Ill on March 6, 1947 and attended local schools until his junior year of high school. In 1963 he moved with his family to Summit, NJ and graduated from Summit High School in 1965.
Greg has worked in computers and high tech for most of his career. In 1972 he graduated from Northern Illinois University with a BS in Marketing and an MBA. In 1974 he made his way to the SF Bay Area where he started his career in sales and worked for Burroughs Corporation for 7 years before taking over the Large Account Branch in Santa Barbara. In 1983 he left Burroughs and started with a string of software tech startups that lasted until 2013. His last position was with Wind River Systems, a division of Intel Corporation where he was a Regional Account Manager in the Aerospace and Defense Industry. He was responsible for the software needs of accounts such as Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, and JPL in Southern CA. He actively worked with JPL to put the Rovers on Mars and Wind River software runs on every Mars Rover on the planet’s surface today.
Since retiring in 2013 Greg has worked with several non-profits and volunteered for numerous conservation oriented groups. He served as Board Member and VP of Channel Islands Restoration, worked for the Foothills Forever Committee and is currently a Board Member and Treasurer of Foothills Forever, Inc.
Greg and his spouse Ellen Easton have a ranch south of Cuyama in northern SB County against the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountain range. They enjoy back country hikes, backpacking and sharing the wilderness with their grandchildren.
Greg Giloth